Helpful Tips on Caring for Your Child’s Vision
Most people think bad eyesight is a problem that comes with aging. But think again. The fact is, even young children can have poor vision. What’s more, the issue often goes unnoticed because a young child doesn’t realize there’s something wrong. As a parent, it’s important for you to know how take care of your child’s vision. Here are 9 helpful tips to keep in mind.
1. Get off to a good start. The American Optometry Association recommends children have a full eye exam by age 3. This is important even if you don’t think there are problems.
2. Your child’s first vision screening can be done by various healthcare providers including a family doctor, pediatrician, or a school nurse, but their first full eye exam should be done by an optometrist/ophthalmologist. To schedule an appointment for your child with an optometrist, call us at (844) 308-5003 today!
3. Often, vision problems in children show up between the ages of 18 months and 4 years.
4. One of the most common eye problems is known as strabismus (a “crossed” or “wandering eye”). This affects about 3% to 5% of children. If your child has an eye that drifts or looks crossed when compared to the other eye, he or she may have this condition.
5. Another problem children face is uneven focus. This means one eye is better than the other at seeing things far away. Like other eye problems, uneven focus can be hard to spot because a young child doesn’t know there’s something wrong.
6. Even though uneven focus or a wandering eye may not seem like a big deal, both can lead to more serious problems. If issues like these are not taken care of, your child’s stronger eye—the one not having trouble—may cause their brain to ignore images from the weaker eye. This can lead to vision loss, often permanently.
7. Other vision problems your child may encounter include nearsightedness or farsightedness. Both can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses.
8. Eye infections are also a possibility that parents should be aware of. Symptoms include eye rubbing, tearing, swelling, redness, sensitivity to light, or drooping eyelids. You should have your child’s eyes checked if they experience any of these issues.
9. Did you know playtime can help improve your child’s vision? There are many simple, fun activities that can help develop your child’s eyesight. Ideas include playing catch, time at the playground climbing the jungle gym or walking on the balance beam, and playing with finger paints or differently shaped blocks.
If you’re wondering whether your child is at risk for eye problems, VCC can help. Our Pediatric team is ready to answer any questions and help to ensure your child sees clearly into the future.
Call now for immediate assistance!
(844) 308-5003
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